Blue Yonder's Scaling-Aware Forecast Rating Method

  • Blue Yonder's Scaling-Aware Forecast Rating Method

Blue Yonder's Scaling-Aware Forecast Rating Method

How good is Blue Yonder's forecast, how good could it become? We've been asked this question many times, by our current and by potential customers - and we want to give a reliable, honest, and truthful answer. It turns out that it's more difficult to answer the initial question than it seems, because of scaling effects: Slow-movers are naturally coming with larger errors than fast-movers. To account for that, we've developed a scaling-aware approach, which models scaling effects in a quantitative way. Read more about the method and what experts are thinking about it in this Foresight Article, published within the Special Feature on Forecasting Performance Objectives. 

This article originally appeared in Foresight, Issue Q3:24 ( and is made available with permission of Foresight and the International Institute of Forecasters.